Contact Us Today! 

Dynamic Chiropractic believes in the value of wellness care for ALL people and have maintained a pricing structure that allows care for all budgets. Our office offers on-sight medicare rebates for all private health funds . To learn more about our payment options for chiropractic and wellness care, you can call our office directly.


Many private health insurance provide some coverage for chiropractic care.  You will need to check your individual plan to confirm.  We offer on-sight Hicaps claiming if you do have private health extras tp\o can claim for chiropractic! 

No Insurance

If you do not carry private health insurance payment will be required in full after each service via cash or debit/credit card.  We do offer bulk payment plans which when paid up front will greatly reduce the cost of your care with us.  Ask our support team for more information! 

Family Plans

Our focus at DYNAMIC CHIROPRACTIC is to actively help you and your family in taking control of your health, wellness, and disease management and teaching kids the benefits of a healthy lifestyle early on.  In an effort to make living the wellness lifestyle as easy and affordable as possible, we offer family plans which provide substantial discounts to whole families who book in at the same time for their visits.  Contact our office today to find out more!   

Health on a Budget

At DYNAMIC CHIROPRACTIC, we're convinced that a small amount of your time and money to care for your health will be far less time consuming and expensive than trying to recover it once it's gone.  If you feel you do not have enough time or money to take care of yourself, please contact us--we can help! The last thing we want is for you to come to our wellness centre in crisis. So please, we would like to encourage you to take your health very seriously. As the old saying goes, if you don't have your health, you don't have anything. Unfortunately, too many people don't discover how true that statement is until it is too late. 


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